I never liked wallpaper much. The designs are either dreadful, plain or out of date. And it is such a hassle to change when you want a different theme or color scheme in your room. The first time I visited my apartment someone did a horrible job on wallpapering the bedroom. It look liked someone had been violently ill against the walls. It was everywhere, greenish brown and it had lumps and bumps. Yugh! Couldn't wait to take it down and plaster the walls with nice white paint.
But I came across Ferm Living's blog a couple of weeks ago and boy did they change my mind. Having seen their wallpaper patterns I feel like going wallpaper mad. Their designs and patterns are really something else. Stylish, urban, gorgeous! One of my favorites is pictured below. It's called The Fir Tree and it's not just the wallpaper I like. I want that whole room, it's fab. When you visit their shop, you should also check out their pillows. And their wall stickers. Ah heck, check out everything, they're great!
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